1855 Wine Merchant

"Your All-in-One Wine and Liquor Management"

A centralized system to keep track of the wine and liquor members and their “wine & liquor” stock info, and also provide trading among the community. On top of that, provide product information or news announcement to their members.

"Streamline Member Management and Inventory Tracking"


Access your own wine and liquor information anytime, anywhere. My1855 provides a user-friendly interface for members to view their purchase history, product stock balances, and pricing details. Experience the convenience of a centralized platform that caters to your unique needs.


Discover the thrill of trading your prized wine and liquor products within a vibrant community of like-minded enthusiasts. My1855 facilitates member-to-member trading, allowing you to expand your collection and explore new flavors with ease. Connect, negotiate, and exchange products seamlessly on our secure platform.

Community &

Highlight the sense of community and engagement within the My1855 platform, encouraging visitors to join a network of like-minded wine and liquor enthusiasts.

Member-to-Member Trading

Expand Your Collection, Exchange with Confidence, Seamless Connection

Discover the thrill of member-to-member trading within the My1855 community. Seamlessly connect with like-minded wine and liquor enthusiasts, negotiate trade terms effortlessly, and exchange prized bottles with confidence. Expand your collection, explore new flavors, and elevate your wine and liquor experience. 



Trade & Booking

Seamlessly Trade Wine
Within the My1855 Community

Simplify your workflow, improve efficiency, and maintain data accuracy throughout the management lifecycle. Unlock the potential of my1855’s backend management system today.

Expand Your Collection

Connect with fellow wine enthusiasts and explore a vast array of offerings, ranging from rare finds to exclusive releases. Engage in seamless negotiations and exchanges, allowing you to acquire unique bottles that will elevate your wine experience.

Exchange with Confidence

Where you can confidently exchange 100% quality products directly added to your personal inventory. Discover exceptional wine offerings and effortlessly enhance your collection with trusted and authentic bottles.

Seamless Connnection

Members can seamlessly trade wine from one member's inventory to another member's inventory. This feature allows for easy and secure transfers of wine bottles, enabling members to expand their collections, discover new flavors, and engage in a vibrant wine trading community.

Purchase History

Accessible at your fingertips, effortlessly keep a record of your wine purchase history. Stay organized and informed about your past wine purchases, allowing you to revisit your favourite selections or make informed decisions based on your preferences.

Web Version

From conceptualisation, planing, development, right down to the actual launch, we will be with you every step of the way. We can incorporate your business strategy into the app to ensure that you get the results your business deserves.

Mobile App Version

We develop high quality and functional websites with the best UI and UX available according to your requirement.

Web Version

Stock Count

Get a snapshot of the total stock count of wine and liquor products available within the platform. This metric reflects the current inventory status and allows administrators to keep track of product availability.


Monitor the number of active members within the My1855 community. This metric provides insights into the growth and engagement of the user base, helping administrators understand the platform's popularity.


Stay informed about the volume of ongoing trading activities happening within the platform. This metric showcases the level of engagement and participation of members in trading wine and liquor products.

Collection Request & Delivery Orders (DO)

Track the number of collection requests made by members. Monitor collection requests to identify popular wine products and keep count of generated Delivery Orders (DO) for transparent transactions.

Trading Management

The backend system would facilitate the trade functionality, enabling members to negotiate and exchange wine products. It would handle the processing of trade requests, validation of product availability, and updating inventories accordingly upon successful trades.

Delivery Orders (DO) Generation

Keep track of the count of generated Delivery Orders. These DOs serve as formal documents that validate successful collection transactions. By monitoring the number of DOs generated, administrators gain visibility into the number of completed collections and have documented proof of the wine collected, ensuring transparency and accountability.

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